Subject | Posted By |
- Confirm Engine Size & Suffix Code Questions | RTR |
- Congrats J.A.Nicholson - 10,000 Helpful Posts!!! | Red Mist |
- Conversion from Key Switch back to stock? | Clarkbug |
- Converting 6v to 12v - Simplified? | Dellbertt |
- Converting a generator to 12 Volts | WSJ |
- Coolant Flow, Farmall SM | Kopeck |
- Corn Picker for Farmall 460 | Nc460 |
- Cornhusker 3 pt hitch | Hillbillyhim |
- Correct Police, please help on bolts | Mike CA |
- Correct oil pressure gauge | W.Brehm |
- Cossing Part Numbers Spreadsheet/List | AL Farmall Boy |
- Could somebody show my boy what a rear light on an H looks l | Farmallb |
- Could someone help idenify this tractor. | LesWV |
- Counter-clockwise Mageto | ADLM |
- Couple more 340 utility questions | Tesmith66 |
- Couple pictures of my 1952 Super C | Faster346 |
- Couple shots of the 460u split | Butch WI |
- Cowman, read here | Tom Fleming |
- Crack in my crankshaft | P and R Pete |
- Cracked Block, 400D | 400D Guy |
- Cracked Block | Livin the Dream |
- Cracked block after Cracked block | GRAPE-DRANK |
- Cracked block on C-113, Farmall A | Tom Fleming |
- Craigslist Ad - Cub SUPER LOW Serial Number | Sflem849 |
- Craigslist Farmall | Brian in MN |
- Crankshaft for Cub | Tom in Mo. |
- Crankshaft verdict. | Spiffy1 |
- Cub 154 Lowboy | Peter in the north |
- Cub Blade | Brad Gyde |
- Cub Cadet 100 - New Owner with PTO Clutch Problems | RTR |
- Cub Cadet 129 Clutch Problem | Bleisinger |
- Cub Clutch Return Spring Location | RICHMONDRON |
- Cub Help; | Conoverbandit |
- Cub Hood Holes | Dellbertt |
- Cub Hyd. Pump question | Brad Gyde |
- Cub Implements | Rudi |
- Cub Lo Boy Trencher | Hobo,NC |
- Cub Lo-Boy 154 | Moseed |
- Cub Lo-Boy 185 | Jerry Kirkpatrick |
- Cub Low Boy Value | Hobo,NC |
- Cub Low Boys??? | CTPATRIOT |
- Cub Oil Bath | Mkirsch |
- Cub Planters | Nc460 |
- Cub WILL NOT FIRE...Tried Everything! | RTR |
- Cub fan hub assembly | Farmallb |
- Cub generator | Oldfarmer |
- Cub hydraulic noises, zings, and hoses jump | Mkirsch |
- Cub ignition | RGMartin |
- Cub rear wheel weights | Ronnie Langford |
- Cub running problems, and hydrolic also | Farmallb |
- Cub starter problems | Farmallb |
- Cub surprised me today | Wesley Stephens |
- Cub touch control | KevinH |
- Cub with a knock at front of engine | Tom in Mo. |
- Cub with knock is home now | Tom in Mo. |
- Cub/ super c 2 point attachments | SkiDoojunky |
- Cultivator Peice?? What is it?? | RTR |
- Cultivator info 1942 model year | IHalltheway |
- Cultivision decal years | Tom Fleming |
- Custom tire covers on our '40 H | Maniak |
- Cut out or regulator | Dave Cook |
- Cylinder Compression Setting for M & Sweep Question | Mdemeyer |
- Cylinder Cup. | DonNOhio |
- Cylinder Sleeve | U00bgg2 |
- Cylinder size | Wallacedw |
- D-111 or D-74 diesel motor? | Dave2 |
- D239 diesel, fuel in blowby pipe revisted, in crankcase! | Maplehillfrm |
- D@M*&^%#!!!!! | Mike CA |
- DANGIT!! | Mike CA |
- DIESEL EXPERTS! Diesel Engine Diagnosis... | Charles todd |
- Dad and the 140! Pic inside. | 1fortyfanatic |
- Dad's M | 2+2 Guy |
- Dang'it!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;( | Patrick Martin |
- Dangit! Touch control thermal relief valve????? | Patrick Martin |
- Decal placement on Farmall 140 | Ddtaylor |
- Decal question | Mike CA |
- Decals | Larry in GA. |
- Deep Clean | Albo5000 |
- Deisel M in photo gallery | TxAllisMan |
- Delayed vs Selective Lift | Wilks54 |
- Delco Remy part numbers | JMOR |
- Delco-Remy on Farmall M in Australia | SadFarmall |
- Deutz fasteners for a 1942 Farmall H | Tom Fleming |
- Diagnosis please - sick 656 w/c263 (spark plug pics) | TX656 |
- Did ALL Super Cs come with a water pump? | Mkirsch |
- Did I find this picture here? There? | P and R Pete |
- Did MDs have an ignition switch? | Sflem849 |
- Did you see the Harvest Moon? | Butch WI |
- Diesel Engine Oil??? Old IH Diesel's | Charles todd |
- Diesel Fuel | Ihc350 |
- Diesel Spill | Dellbertt |
- Diesel into a Super H | Vally Farm |
- Difference between vinal and canvas seat cover? | Mike CA |
- Dilemma | Mike CA |
- Diode for alternator wiring - Which one is correct (picture) | AL Farmall Boy |
- Dip Stick vs Check Valves on Farmall Tractors | John Quillen |
- Disc for a H | Beochie |
- Discing with a 1066 | Tom in Mo. |
- Dish Soap vs. Grease | Spiffy1 |
- Distillate manifold question. | Mike CA |
- Distillate manifold thoughts. | Mike CA |
- Distillate pipe gasket? | Mike CA |
- Distributor coupling/Housing | MRGJNV |
- Distributor for Super A | James Ashcraft |
- Distributor question | Tom Fleming |
- Distributor timing on older machines. | Kopeck |
- Do C's and Super C's use the same carb? | Faster346 |
- Do Cracked Head Repair Liquids Work? | 400D Guy |
- Do they serve good food in Correct Police jail? | Mike CA |
- Do you have room to haul MD to Wisc. or MN - frame weights | Al L. in Wisc. |
- Do you know where I can get an Alternator Bracket for SuperA | GRAPE-DRANK |
- Does PTO share trans/hydraulic fluid on 504? | Shawn MacAnanny |
- Does anybody have MD Throttle Pics? | Sflem849 |
- Does anybody make engine bearings for a 400D? | 400D Guy |
- Does anyone have a picture of an F-12 with the front cultiva | Stumpman |
- Does anyone know what my SC engine came out of? | Faster346 |
- Does anyone make a heat shield? | Mike CA |
- Does anyone sell a foot throttle for a 340 Utility? | Tesmith66 |
- Does my H have a cracked head? | Faster346 |
- Does this super AI sound right? | Roddy |
- Dont know why youd want to put a 2 row set of cultivators on | Farmallb |
- Dont see these very often... | Stemmy |
- Double Planter hitch | Sideconsole4020guy |
- Double nosed Char-lynn torque generator | Mkirsch |
- Down pressure on 340U 3 point- can I turn it off? | Tesmith66 |
- Dr. Diener working on 15-30 tags! | Spiffy1 |
- Drawbar ID | Dellbertt |
- Drawbar clamp questions | Mike CA |
- Drawbar question | Mike CA |
- Dried Out Tires | Dellbertt |
- Drilling a shaft | Clint s |
- Drive your engine clean? | Mattofvinings |
- Driving class | Mike CA |
- Duals on a 1066 | Blkeele |
- Dumb H govenor question | Mike CA |
- Dummy me... | Al L. in Wisc. |
- Dunkin Donuts Coffee Commercial | Skyharborcowboy |
- Dupont Primer | Spiffy1 |
- Dust shield | Kevinj54 |
- E4A coupler disk question - the race continues Regular updat | Tom Fleming |
- E4A vs F4 Magneto | Tom Fleming |
- E85 in M? | Rbower |
- Early 706D Salvage Value | Big a |
- Early Farmall M Decals | SadFarmall |
- Early H4 magneto kill swith | Tom Fleming |
- Early style oil filter canister for M. What filters wil fit? | Patrick HMD |
- Ebay farmall M | Shawn in PA |
- Electrall | IHStandardMan |
- Electric Light - F14/F12 Pictures Please | PAKEHA |
- Electric funny stuff | Idaho Ron |
- Electrical gurus 06 series question | Oldtanker |
- Electrical system decisions | Mike CA |
- Electrolysis tank - how long does it take? | Tesmith66 |
- Elelctrical help recieved ...Now she purrs BUT, | Butch WI |
- Eliminate the sediment bowl? | Badaugherty |
- Eliminating Sediment Bowl | Dellbertt |
- End of an Era | Tom Fleming |
- End this madness and find someone else to buy parts from!!!! | AG in IN |
- Engine Kit - Endurance Power | Mattofvinings |
- Engine Oil in a 53 | Albo5000 |
- Engine Overhaul | ADLM |
- Engine tune-up | Wallacedw |
- Environmental disposal question | Mike CA |
- Erik Dekeyser - SAV cultivator arms | Robert Lorencz |
- Erik Dekeyser want to plow | Randle |
- Even use these rust prevent products? | Colby64 |
- Ever seen 4 glow plugs go at once? | Pat-CT |
- Exhaust lift parts Gene Beneder | Csmeyers |
- Exhaust lift parts | Csmeyers |
- Experience learned with IH TA and linkages... Good stuff. | Charles todd |
- Experienced my first tractor pull today | Tom Fleming |
- F 12 coolant | Stumpman |
- F 12 fuel pump rebuild question | Stumpman |
- F 12 fuel question. | Stumpman |
- F 12 wont start ideas please | Stumpman |
- F 12/ mag queations | Oldtanker |
- F Cub Point Spark | Dellbertt |
- F&H Wheels | Brad Gyde |
- F-12 "high clear" | Bob M |
- F-12 Brake seals | Tom Fleming |
- F-12 Clutch peg | Tom Fleming |
- F-12 Hydraulic Power Lift Lever | Skycarp |
- F-12 PTO packing | Tom Fleming |
- F-12 Plow Pictures | Tom Fleming |
- F-12 Starter | Doehmke |
- F-12 carb question | Stumpman |
- F-12 cranking handle ??? | Stumpman |
- F-12 front frame weights mounting question | Tom Fleming |
- F-12 fuel line vent question | Tom Fleming |
- F-12 fuel pump question | Tom Fleming |
- F-12 gas tank / hood question | Tom Fleming |
- F-12 or F-14 Fenders | Dave Olson |
- F-12 progess update.....It's been a while!!! | Seth Boyer |
- F-12 rear main felt seal question | Seth Boyer |
- F-12 rebuild update | Seth Boyer |
- F-12 update...more pictures | Seth Boyer |
- F-12/14 skeleton wheels? | Mike CA |
- F-12 | Coax |
- F-14 - moving those 'hard to move' wheels | PAKEHA |
- F-14 followed me home from a farm auction | Tom Fleming |
- F-20 Starter set up | Spencer13cat |
- F-20 / Regular governor | Denis in MI |
- F-20 Block & Sleeves | Doehmke |
- F-20 Brackets? | 38F-20 |
- F-20 Carburetor Seepage | 38F-20 |
- F-20 Carrier Gasket | Mike Dau |
- F-20 Fly wheel help | Spencer13cat |
- F-20 Hand clutch? | Steve il |
- F-20 Part number question | Tom Fleming |
- F-20 Piston Installation | Doehmke |
- F-20 Primer cup question | Tom Fleming |
- F-20 Radiator installation guidance | Tom Fleming |
- F-20 and Regular Engine Parts | Doehmke |
- F-20 engine build | Spencer13cat |
- F-20 oil guage question | Tom Fleming |
- F-20 oiler for Rocker arms | Tom Fleming |
- F-20 on craigslist | Bill Krosnicki |
- F-20 price question | Tom Fleming |
- F-20 right hand brake installation | Tom Fleming |
- F-30 axle nut question | Tom Fleming |
- F-30 crank bearing removal question | Tom Fleming |
- F-30 front steel wheels | Zach in neb |
- F-30 progress report - pic The disassembly begings | Tom Fleming |
- F-30 update | Tom Fleming |
- F-4 magneto problems | Tom Fleming |
- F12 Brakes | Coax |
- F12 General Information | SadFarmall |
- F12 wide frnt end | 671DKS |
- F12/F14 tranny coupler rubber grommets | Tom Fleming |
- F20 Crankshaft Removal in Stuck Engine | Doehmke |
- F20 First startup of the year/overheating? | Royse |
- F20 Flywheel Installation Tool | Doehmke |
- F20 Front Engine Mount | Doehmke |
- F20 Rear Felt Seal | Doehmke |
- F20 Starter Kit - replace Ring Gear | Doehmke |
- F20 | Joe N E Texas |
- F30 with mounted corn picker | Nebraska Kirk |
- F504 Diesel; What Parts To Change on a Clutch Swap? | Charles todd |
- FARMALL 140 distributor timing | Ddtaylor |
- FARMALL 140 | Ddtaylor |
- FARMALL H QUESTION ??? | Bodid1998 |
- FARMALL H SINGLE FRONT ??? | Bodid1998 |
- FARMALL H crank pin | WSJ |
- FARMALL H max tire size | WSJ |
- FARMALL M ENGINE CRANKSHAFT | Cessnapilot3@gmail.c |
- FFA week at the school. | Idaho Ron |
- FOUND PROBLEM!!! Farmall 504 Clutch Issue (pics) | Charles todd |
- Factory IH vs. SPEECO Wide Front Ends. Pros, Cons, Stronger? | Charles todd |
- Factory three point hitch for Super HD-TA ;) | Sflem849 |
- Fallon NV? | Mike CA |
- Fan pulley split on the "B" | MNGB |
- Farall M steering | Oldtanker |
- Farm Technology Days In WI | Butch WI |
- Farmall M basics | Farmer101IL |
- Farmall 'A' back to life | Dennis K (WA) |
- Farmall 100 float height | Daniel H. |
- Farmall 100, engine questions, possible coolant in oil | 440roadrunner |
- Farmall 100, hydraulics question | 440roadrunner |
- Farmall 100, touch control internally leaking | Patrick Martin |
- Farmall 130 - HELP, NO SPARK AT COIL - janicholson or others | RTR |
- Farmall 130 Distillate Tractor(with pics) | Brmtdg |
- Farmall 130 block for Super A; Pics included | GRAPE-DRANK |
- Farmall 130 on eBay - Is this a Scam!? | RTR |
- Farmall 130 wheel spacing with L59 | Caspermj |
- Farmall 140 3 point conversion | Gerry....WI |
- Farmall 140 Clutch Help | Gerry....WI |
- Farmall 140 Foot Throttle | Twfail |
- Farmall 140 Manifold ..????? | KRS_MED |
- Farmall 140 Pictures | Twfail |
- Farmall 140 Starter Switch Problem.....? | Keith stromberg |
- Farmall 140 Tune-up Questions | Mdemeyer |
- Farmall 140 electrical | OB OBrien |
- Farmall 140 serial # mystery | KevinH |
- Farmall 140 step ? | OB OBrien |
- Farmall 140, EBAY, Must See. Link Included! | Charles todd |
- Farmall 140, fast hitch wont pick up high enough? | OB OBrien |
- Farmall 140 | Farmerfive |
- Farmall 144 cultivator colors ? | OB OBrien |
- Farmall 200 clutch replacement | Clint s |
- Farmall 200 Fast Hitch | LRRifleman |
- Farmall 200 info and help please | BBro8424 |
- Farmall 200 starts then dies | Alex829 |
- Farmall 230 Pilot Guide Works !! | Mark Peters |
- Farmall 230 Question | Mark Peters |
- Farmall 230 Steering Shaft End Plug, Lost Mine What Is It. | Drizler |
- Farmall 230 is this a reasonable value? | MIFree |
- Farmall 240 hydraulics getting too hot | Horsepoor |
- Farmall 240 hydraulics | DPittsley |
- Farmall 300 Carb help | Scottydog |
- Farmall 300 axle, whoops | Siefring Red Farmer |
- Farmall 300 front wheel bearings. | Rhtx55 |
- Farmall 300 questions | Wkuag |
- Farmall 340 gas row crop. | Michael D |